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Sustainable Homes
Ideal Building Solutions are green smart accredited builders with diverse experience in adopting sustainable principals in both design and construction.
In practice we reduce the environmental impact of a new home by understanding the outcomes and applying the 5 sustainable goals.
The Right Strategy
Successfully incorporating the 5 sustainable goals will not only reduce the environmental impact of the home but create a home that is adaptable for future use.
Additionally we recognises that sustainable homes are often intertwined with liveable homes with principles that consider the future of the home and their future occupiers. It is our aim to encourage and implement these principles to produce a home that is valuable and long lasting.
Ideal Building Solutions was the winner for sustainable construction at the 2016 MBA awards! Paul and Michele were also finalists in the HIA Greensmart Professional and Greensmart Energy Efficient awards 2016!
Looking for inspiration on sustainable and liveable homes?
Check out Yourhome for ideas on environmentally sustainable homes –
View the standards set out by Livable Housing Australia –